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Monday 7 April 2014

Lord, That I May See!

The gospel account for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Jn 9:1-41) is about physical blindness – the giving of sight to a man born blind. It is all about light and darkness, knowledge and ignorance, faith and unbelief. 

Christ is asking us to look at our blind spots because coming out from darkness into light is not an easy journey. Jesus knows our weaknesses and is willing to help us, provided we come to Him for healing.

In this Lent, what Jesus is asking us whether we are in the light or still in the dark. He is offering us a chance to take another look at ourselves. Having been called to walk as children of the light we must keep praying, “Lord, that I may see, that I may choose again to be with you, to obey you and to look to you for help and direction.”

Whenever our eyes are opened to acknowledge others, we grow in the light of faith and knowledge of God. We pray for greater insight into the will of the Lord and for the ability to see more clearly the needs of other people in our lives.

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