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Saturday 17 May 2014

Don't Let Your Heart Be Troubled!

There is no person in the world, without some manner of trouble. Trouble appears to crush one’s life.

On this 5th Sunday of Easter, Jesus is referring to, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in a God still. Trust in Me," (Jn 14:1-2). We must belief that God is with us in all our troubles. 

When we see things happening not according to our plan and when we don't get what we want, "Do not let your hearts be troubled." Jesus is always with us. It is rather should be a time for serious soul searching. God is alive and actively involved in all our events and crises.

We must call upon God and pray to Him in our troubles. It is not just praying in the times of troubles. Prayer should be the heart and soul of each Christian. We should become a prayerful people. 

The Lord is good. He looks on those who revere Him. He looks on those who hope in His love. He rescues our souls from troubles, from death and keep us alive. May our love be upon Him and place our hope and trust in Him, (Cf Ps 32:18-19).

Saturday 10 May 2014

A Mother's Love

Be thankful for our moms who have given their life and hearts to us. We cannot measure the strength of a mother’s effort and the impact it has on our lives.

Mom, you have made me feel safe…
Mom, you made me feel valued…
Mom, you made me feel I could do anything…

To my mum who has always taken care of me… for giving me a hug… for always being there for me…


Happy Mother' Days!!!

Vocations, Witness to the Truth!

In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated 4th Sunday of Easter as a Good Shepherd Sunday and as a World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Christ Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows us well and gives his life for us and leads us into fullness of life. As we celebrate this feast of the Good Shepherd Sunday we pray for fidelity to our vocation. The Church invites us to honour the vocation of all Christians given at Baptism. Through the vocation of marriage, priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, and single life may we further the supremacy of God. May those who are discerning their life vocation listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd.

On the 51st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Francis has chosen the theme – “Vocations, Witness to the Truth”.  The Church invites us to reflect and discern on the meaning of God’s call and to pray for an increase in vocations.

On this Vocation Sunday we offer a special prayer for our nation:

We pray for those groups of people who are instigating racial riots and labelling the Chinese and Indians as “intruders” and calling the Islamic hudud laws to be imposed on ALL Malaysians. We also pray for a genuine academic freedom and an intellectual exchange of religious knowledge especially on Christianity with integrity in our institutions of higher learning.  We pray that ALL Malaysians will grow in the service of the Kingdom of mercy and truth, of justice and peace.

Saturday 3 May 2014

A Heart Breaking Experience!

Why were these men traveling away from Jerusalem? It is interesting to read this Sunday’s Gospel (Lk 24:13-35) that when Jesus appeared to the two disciples their faces downcast (Lk 24:17) and they were confused, unable to understand all the things that had happened in Jerusalem. Surely, it was because the death of Jesus had deeply disappointed them.

Let’s put ourselves in their shoes as they set out on the seven miles walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It was a HEART-BREAKING EXPERIENCE for them with the events of Good Friday.

We go through a lot of rough times and tough times in life. We lose a sense of direction and there is no answer to some of our difficulties and struggles. We become unaware of the presence of God in our lives. Then, life loses its meaning.

Human hope is a fragile thing, and when it withers or weakens then it is difficult to revive. Hopelessness of the human spirit is desperately hard to cure. When hopelessness sets in our minds then we need a companion. We need a listening ear before a stream of good advice. The last thing we need is a quick “cheering up”.

“Show us, Lord, the path of life” (Ps 15)