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Monday 7 April 2014

Come Out From Our Tomb!

Lent is nearing its end. Jesus’ command to Lazarus to “come out” is a command to all of us (Jn 11:1-45). We are already too long in the grave of sin. God calls us again to come out from our tomb. If we still find ourselves in the tomb of selfishness, we should come out of it. Our selfishness makes us hard and stiff towards others and community. Look at a man at his birth; he is so fragile and tender. But at death, he is hard and stiff. We need conversion, a constant conversion from the sinfulness to a new life. Of course, any change for the better would cause us pain and suffering right?

Lent is not about suffering and sacrifice. It’s a corridor to new life. Lent is all about reaching the resurrection: renewing our faith, entering a new life free of old sins, reconciling damaged relationships, and living in the Spirit of God more than we ever did before.

God is willing to help us with His power today. Lazarus came out to life not by his own power but by the power of God. It is power of God that enables us to break all the chains, all fears and to give new life.

Therefore we need to bring all our fears and weaknesses to God in prayer. Martha brought her sadness to the Lord and her sadness was transformed into a faith-experience to her. God’s power combined with our own Lenten sacrifice – prayer, penance and act of charity can transform our fears, sadness, bitterness, sinfulness into a new life as well sharing in His resurrection.

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