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Sunday 23 February 2014

Love is a Perfect of Justice

“We have heard an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," (MT 5:39)

Is this really justice?  Jesus is inviting us to discover that love is the perfection of justice.

If someone hurts you, don’t play fair; give that person love. When people sin against you or revenge you, they don't understand that they are closing their hearts to God and His love. Christ invites us to go beyond the “tit-for-tat” mentality: “When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.” 

If we give them love, we give them God by turning the other cheek to them. We bring God and his healing into the situation. Only in the light of humility and forgiveness we can hope to build true peace amongst those around us and even within ourselves.

How to love our enemies? 
We should pray for our enemies. We should show good towards our enemies. We should take courage to forgive rather than seek revenge. Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all people. Be at peace with all people. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you. Treat others as how you would like be treated. We shall perform one small act of charity every day.

1 Peter 1:22-23: "Let your love for each other be real and from the heart."

Monday 17 February 2014

Keeping Our Promises!

What Jesus has to say about integrity. In today’s Gospel Jesus says: "All you need say is 'Yes' if you mean yes, 'No' if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the evil one," (Mt 5: 37).

A person of integrity is validated by his or her words and deeds. If we are pure in heart we can be pure in action. Walking in integrity means that I become a doer of the word. Speaking truthfully is better. It takes a lot of stress out of our lives. If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything, but if you don’t tell the truth you have to remember what you said. 

Whenever we make a promise, we do so in the presence of God. When we break a promise, we are not only lying to others or ourselves but we are also lying to God.

How do I get better at keeping my promises?
Monitor your promises: Do you ever say, “I’ll pray for you,” just because it sound like the right thing to say? Do you ever actually pray for that person?

Psalm: "They are happy who follow God’s law!"

Living an honest life, keeping our promises can be difficult. But it will make you happy and you will live in peace. Let’s be honest like Jesus.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Fostering Our True Catholic Faith

"You are the salt of the Earth... 
You are the light of the World!" (MT 5:13-16)

While we serve the world as its salt and light, we will be called to make sacrifices and even meet opposition from those who prefer to live in darkness and refuse to approach light. This may sting or hurt like salt on open wound. We need not lose courage for we are only doing God’s work as St Paul reminds us that his success only through the power of the Spirit of God - "Your faith should not depend on human philosophy but on the power of God," (1 Cor 2:5). 

It is true we can’t do without philosophy since everything has its hidden truth. Philosophy and science are good servants of Christ but they are poor guides when they rule out the power of the Spirit. Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing.

Christ has placed His good news in our hands and it depends on us how to proclaim. The Second Vatican Council on Decree "Ad Gentes", the Mission Activity of the Church #35-36, brings an awareness of our own responsibility for the spreading the Gospel and fostering our true Catholic spirit in the work of evangelisation in the service of God and charity towards others. 

We ask the Spirit of God to empower us with strength to be salt and light into the world and to rely on His power alone completely for the building of His kingdom on earth. 

Monday 3 February 2014

A Miraculous Holy Picture

I wanted to share with you about a miraculous holy picture since early January 2014. By the way, we have all heard about the terrible and massive floods in the East Coast of Peninsula Malaysia towards the end of year 2013. After the floods subsided I went to celebrate Mass at St Philip Minh Chapel, Kemaman, Terengganu on 3rd January 2014. 

I remember a holy picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help framed with glass and placed on a small side altar at the chapel. To my knowledge it is more than 20 years old. 

During the flood the water raised up to almost 7 feet. When the water seeped into the chapel, it damaged many things including this little altar. I was surprised to see this holy picture of Our Lady was saved. The framed glass and its wooden side altar were damaged badly but the holy picture was in good condition without much stains. Today, the icon of Our Lady is placed at the wall of the chapel without any frame.

"Dear Mother of Perpetual Help from the cross your Son Jeses gave you to us to be our Mother. You are the kindest, the most loving of all mothers. Look tenderly on us your children as we now ask you to help us in all our needs."

Our Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation!

Today’s feast marks the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple, forty days after he was born (Luke 2:22-40). We celebrate this feast, recalling the consecration of the baby Jesus by Joseph and Mary.

1) Simeon is called “just” – this means that he is honest and possesses moral character. Simeon was a man who was close to God!
a) How did Simeon know it was the Saviour? It was revealed to him! We are told that “the Holy Spirit rested on him.” Simeon had eyes of faith. He looked for this day in faith and now his faith had become sight.
b) How do we know that Jesus is Savior? It was revealed to us! Many things we see by faith, but one day our faith will become sight! We keep our faith until He comes.

2) Simeon is called “an upright and devout man” – literally means “taking hold of what is good.” 
a) Simeon was around 80 years old, who loved the Lord with all his heart, soul, strength and mind. If we are going to be used of God, we must be devoted to Jesus Christ. We must be looking for Him. We must be longing for Him. We must be living for Him.

b) We should have that same desire today, not just to see Jesus’ physical returns but a desire to commune with the Saviour each and every day of our lives. He abides within us and we should abide within Him. We must remain sensitive and obedient to the direction of the Holy Spirit!