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Saturday 5 October 2024


The second session of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops commenced on 4 – 29 October 2024 at Vatican City. About 480 participants, including voting and non-voting members, had a two-day retreat and penitential vigil in preparation for the upcoming Synod, centring around the theme “For A Synodal Church in Mission.”

The Synod on Synodality Assembly took place from October 2021 to October 2024 and involved a lot of listening, discussion, and sharing by lay people, consecrated persons, and clergy. Initially scheduled to conclude in October 2023, the Holy Father extended this for a year to allow for more listening, discernment, and “Conversations in the Spirit” to address the challenges the Church faces. The Church has been continuing the discussion and discernment at parish, diocesan, national, and continental levels before sending the synthesis to the General Assembly.

The first session of the Synodal Process, 2023, focused on how the Church could effectively engage with the modern world by promoting participation, communion, and mission in the face of various challenges. It aimed to make the Church more inclusive and open to lay people, women, and youth involvement.

The second session of the ongoing Synod in October 2024 marks a significant step towards fostering a more participatory approach, dialogue, openness, pastoral strategy, and collaboration in the Church’s mission. Additionally, the critical issues discussed in the first session will be revisited during the second session of the Synod Assembly, with a specific focus on Women Deacons and the Church’s approach to LGBTQ+ individuals. The role of Women Deacons must be considered in the context of the ministerial priesthood. The examination will also address how the Church’s doctrine can engage with LGBTQ+ issues, pastoral care, and ethical considerations.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, is encouraging the Synod 2024 to broaden its focus to include Church structures, theology, and mission. This means moving beyond controversial issues to clarify the Church’s hierarchical system and the implications of clericalism in governance and pastoral care. Additionally, the ongoing ecumenical dialogue will be a crucial point of discussion aimed at promoting unity and cooperation.

Pope Francis insists on the greater involvement of the laity, both men and women, in contributing their skills and insights. He strongly advocates for their participation in decision-making at all levels. We hope the Synod aims to create a balanced approach that addresses unresolved issues and strengthens the Church’s mission and structure, promoting inclusivity across all levels.

October is a significant month for us Catholics, inviting us to integrate the Rosary into our daily routine. The Holy Father has designated 7 October – the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary – a day for prayer and fasting for peace in Palestine and Israel. He is also committed to seeking guidance, grace, and fruitful deliberations for the ongoing Synod in 2024.

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