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Saturday 19 October 2024


World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the second last Sunday of October, and this year it falls on 20 October 2024. This significant day brings Catholics together in prayer, solidarity, and worldwide support for missionaries and the Church’s missionary work. Pope Pius XI instituted this annual observance in 1926. It invites us to reflect on the importance of mission work in the life of the Church, and furthering Christ’s mission.

Pope Francis has chosen the theme, “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet” (Matthew 22: 9), for this year, emphasising that the host sends his servants to invite everyone – no matter their social status, background, or previous invitation – to partake in the feast. The banquet represents the church’s joyful spiritual celebration, capturing the warmth and hospitality that Christian communities extend to everyone who seeks God. This uplifting theme motivates the community of faithful to actively share God’s love with open hearts. Let’s engage in this global mission to share the Gospel, and warmly extend invitations for everyone to experience the joy of Christ’s message.

The theme truly inspires our church ministries to dive into outreach programs and reflect on our universal mission to share the Good News to every corner of the world. For those unable to physically participate, we encourage you to offer prayers for the missionaries and active members, as they engage in this meaningful mission. This is symbolised by the banquet, where everyone is invited to partake in the blessings of God’s kingdom. 

God’s invitation to salvation and grace is for everyone, not just a select few. The invitation must be extended with urgency, reflecting the need for mission work and evangelisation in today’s world, especially to those who have not yet encountered Christ. As Christians, we are called to reach out to all people - regardless of race, culture or status - welcoming them into the faith.

“Let’s go and invite!” This perspective is just as vital for us today as it invites us to share the joy of our faith, knowing that “the Lord is near.” In the early days of Christianity, the passionate drive to spread the Gospel was closely linked to their beliefs about the end times, creating a heartfelt urgency. This mission focuses on joyfully welcoming others to the Lord’s banquet. 

In contrast, the world may tempt us with its own version of “banquets” – such as consumerism, selfish comfort, wealth and individualism. However, the Gospel lovingly invites everyone to join in a divine celebration filled with joy, sharing, justice and a sense of togetherness with God and one another. Our primary responsibility is to lead the lost to the Gospel, and take it to those in need. Let’s go and invite everyone to meet Our Saviour and Our King!

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