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Saturday 21 March 2020


This Sunday is known as “Laetare Sunday” and the theme is on hope and rejoice that Easter is near. In our Gospel ( John 9:1-41) speaks about a man who has been physically blind from his birth and Jesus takes this opportunity to heal the blind man.

Among all the five senses, sight is most essential to us. When we lose our sight of God in relationship with Him, our life becomes devastated. We become spiritually and morally blind. Our heart and soul become blinded.

We are spiritually blind by our anger, prejudices, self-interest, gossip, greed, etc. Sin can be the essential cause of our spiritual blindness and it is a major stumbling block in our spiritual journey. Our interior lives has become harden heart and we are unable to see goodness in us. We become like the Pharisees who refuse to see the power and goodness in Jesus.

On this 4th Sunday of Lent, Jesus invites us to take a closer look at those areas of our lives that we have failed to recognise our spiritual blindness. 

Let Jesus enlighten our spiritual blindness as we turn our sight to Him that He will grant us new sights and insights as well.

“The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” (Ps 23).

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