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Saturday 7 March 2020


Jesus climbed up a mountain. He took three of His friends – Peter, James and John. They spent time in the presence of God praying. The Apostles received a privileged transfiguration of Jesus’ divinity within His humanity. Jesus’s clothes became dazzlingly white on the top of the Mount of Transfiguration, (Mt 17: 1-9).

On this Second Sunday of Lent, we should begin to reflect God’s Glory. Jesus’ holiness and His divinity radiated from within Him. He didn’t keep secret His glory. He let it shine. Through His glory He gave His Apostles new understandings of Him as God.

It is really worth it to take time regularly to be with God. After years of spending time in God’s presence – praying, going to Church for Mass, being involved in various ministries in the Church, and with all our spiritual experiences, now is the time that they should have effects on us.

May this Lent we able to see the glory of God and all our spiritual experiences in our mission works so that His glory will glow and grow inwardly and outwardly.

“LORD, let Your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in You” (PS 33).

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