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Saturday 25 March 2017


Our Gospel (Jn 9:1-41) reading speaks about a man who has been physically blind from birth. He has not seen his parents. He is never seen a sunrise or a sunset all his life and the beauty of the universe. Most of his life he spent begging on the streets of Jerusalem.

Jesus heals the blind man. He is indeed the light of the world. Without Jesus we would all live in darkness.

These religious Pharisees were leading people into the darkness, not into the light. They were not able to recognise the power and goodness of Jesus.

Most of us have blind spots that we don’t even think about changing them. These blind spots have blocked off God, from others and ourselves as well. These have become our major obstacles in our spiritual journey.

Sin is a major cause of much of our spiritual blindness. Only conversion works to see people as God sees us. Our conversion opens to receiving new sight. Prayer is the first step towards this new sight.

What keep us blind to the needs of others and to knowing God?

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