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Saturday 10 December 2016


The 3rd Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. We rejoice that Jesus is going to be reborn in our lives, deepening in us His gifts of love, mercy and forgiveness during this Christmas season. Let us joyfully share God’s bountiful grace, forgiveness, and mercy with others especially among our families.
The first step to become joyful is to give up our sins. By committing sins we only feel remorse and guilt. During this season of Advent and always, we can rejoice in repentance. We must prepare our hearts to recognise and welcome Jesus. God is present among us, in our everyday lives. Let us believe in our hearts that the Holy Spirit will create a metánoia, a change of heart during Advent.
We need to open our hearts and let God transform our lives. Patient is one of the greatest challenge for us. Our lives can be transformed, if we are patient and place our trust in God, (James 5: 7-10).
"Lord, Come and Save Us"

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