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Friday 10 June 2016

Finding Mercy through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The month of June is dedicated to the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. “Sacred Heart” really stands for the entire mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ, the totality of His being – tender mercy and infinite love, the salvation of mankind. Jesus’ heart figures prominently as “gentle and lowly in heart” (Matt 11:29). His side was pierced with a lance, blood and water from his heart flowed from the wound (John 19:34). We, Christians have always seen this as symbolic of the sacraments of salvation – baptism and the Eucharist.

Pope Francis asserted that the Heart of Jesus is the ultimate symbol of God’s mercy. The Holy Father also said that “from the Heart of Jesus, the Lamb sacrificed on the Cross, flow forgiveness and life for all people.” The center of merciful heart of Jesus is the source from which salvation for all humanity gushed forth. He came to save us from sin and death.

God loves us in spite of our weaknesses. He came to heal all our wounds and divisions. Jesus has opened up His Sacred Heart to forgive us. Forgiveness is a very great gift, which we need to experience it in this Year of Mercy. Let us take every effort to forgive and to enter into the Heart of Jesus through regular examinations of conscience and Sacrament of Confession. Let us strengthen our prayer life and renew our strength in all our struggles. With the trusting heart of a child, let us strive to be happy at all times.

As the Sacred Heart of Jesus look upon us with mercy and care, He consecrates our hearts, our lives, and our families. May the Most Holy Heart of Jesus keep our families close to His Heart and may His special protection be with us always!

Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and it is the holiest month in their calendar. It is the month during which Muslims observe fasting from morning twilight (Fajar Prayer) to the evening twilight (Maghreb Prayer). Fasting is an obligation in Islam not an option. It is one of the five pillars on which Islam is built. The benefits of fasting are manifold. Fasting has personal, social, hygienic, and best of all spiritual benefits and to gain self-restraint. Fasting is one of the most sincere worshipping of God and thus its rewards are numerous.

It is almost a week since our Muslim brothers and sisters started their “Ramadhan”. We hope and pray that this month provides them a time for fasting, praying, reconciliation, repentance and change of heart.  May they live in solidarity, harmony and in peace with all people especially with non-Muslims in this country. God bless their fasting.

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