dear parishioners, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for the
year 2016/2017 will be commenced in mid-June. At the previous RCIA programme
(2015/2016), we had 12 candidates who successfully completed the course. I am
expecting more candidates to register for this coming session. It is our
individual duty to recommend or introduce those who are interested in the faith
to our Catholic Church so that they can journey through our RCIA programme in
order to discover the meaning of life as well as God in their life. The RCIA is
a spiritual formation and a discernment process which will help these
candidates to learn more about Catholicism for a year through a series of
classes, discussions, prayers and ceremonies. RCIA sessions are held every
Tuesday evening from 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm, mainly in English and Tamil at the
formation rooms.
are some questions that you can ask interested candidates and yourself:
Are you interested to know more about Christianity and
Are you interested to learn about God, Jesus Christ, and the
Catholic faith, the Catholic Church?
Are you an adult baptised Catholic but who has not yet
received the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation for whatever
Are you married to a Catholic, attend Mass and are now
considering to take the next step to be a member of the Catholic Church and
enter into full communion with the Catholic Church?
Have you been away or left the Catholic Church for any
reason, but wish now to re-examine your thoughts about the Church’s teachings
and traditions, practices or beliefs and to seek clarification?
Are you a baptised Christian of another denomination who
wishes to know more about Catholicism?
Are you a baptised Catholic but desire to continue your
personal faith journey and to develop a deeper spirituality?
Are you a baptised Christian of another denomination who
wishes to know more about Catholicism?
Are you in search of a meaningful life?
Finally, are you searching for God?
welcome you with open arms to the RCIA journey to ensure you have a very
comforting and spiritual experience.
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