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Sunday 27 September 2015

Entering Into Life!!!

Today's gospel speaks of "Entering into life...." (Mk 9: 38-48). Three times in our text, verses 43, 45, and 47, Jesus refers to “entering into life”. It refers to entering into a faith relationship with Jesus. 

The steps for entering life in Christ are very simple. They are by recognizing the fact that we are sinners and to understand the penalty that God has placed on sin. Jesus invites us to come to the place where we are willing to turn from our sins and place our faith in Jesus alone for our salvation.

Jesus speaks of amputating body parts if necessary to make a clean break with sin and temptation. Being saved will probably not require us to pluck out our eye, or cut off our hand or foot. Coming to Jesus will almost certainly cost us dearly as we take the necessary steps to cut ourselves off from the old life of sin. Getting to Jesus is worth the cost. Don’t let anything to stand between us and our getting into Jesus' life.

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