This year, 52 students (39 of our own students and 5 RCIA candidates; 5 from Risen Christ Church, and 3 from Sacred Heart Church, Bentong), will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation during the 6.00 pm Mass at the Church of St. Joseph on Saturday, August 1st, 2015. The Archbishop will be present to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The rite of Installation will take place before the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Archbishop will hand over the Parish Keys (Key of Parish house, Main Church door and Tabernacle). After the Gospel reading, the letter of appointment as a parish priest will be read out from the lectern. The Archbishop will invite the Parish Priest to profess his faith as he recites the Apostles’ Creed with the congregation. Then, the priest will be invited to stand before the Archbishop and renew the promises which he had taken during his Ordination as a priest. He, then, will take the oath of fidelity at the altar as he places his hand on the book of Gospel. Finally, the Archbishop will present the parish priest to the parishioners.
The rite of Confirmation will take place after the above rite. The candidates are called by name; the Archbishop addresses the candidates and then he will invite the candidates to renew the profession of faith which they made on their baptism day as a sign of union with the whole Church. The Archbishop will then extend his hands upon all the candidates and pray that God the Father will send the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit – Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude, Piety and Fear of the Lord, (Is 11:2; CCC no 1831). The Archbishop will then anoint the foreheads of the Confirmands with Chrism Oil.
So above is a gist of the rites of Installation as a priest and of Confirmation.
My dear Confirmands, teachers, parents and godparents: On behalf of St Joseph’s parish, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for the wonderful journey you have embarked upon so far. Confirmands, now you are matured Christian Catholics and you are responsible to witness your faith in Christ and her bride, the Church. As you mature in Christ, we invite you to take every effort to pray and read the Bible and other spiritual books on your own, fulfil the Church obligations and to get involved in parish activities/ministries.
Parents and godparents, be vigilant by being responsible to keep on guiding them in their spiritual journey. God bless you and your families!
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