What do we understand of the Gospel of St John Chapter 6, on the account of the multiplication of loaves and fishes, Jesus – Bread of Life discourse and the disciples’ testimony that Jesus has the words of eternal life? St John the Evangelist offers a kind of encounter with God. It is Jesus’ invitation to love and to live a life worthy of God’s children and which will sustain us for ALL times. When we stay truthful and faithful to Jesus, we can encounter God.
Jesus invites us to “come to Him, “believe in Him,” “look upon Him,” “be drawn to Him,” “hear Him,” and to “learn of Him.” (cf. John 6:36, 37, 40, 44, 45). All of these verbs invite the active response of our faith in His word. His word is nourishment for our faith.
He is the true Bread of heaven that can satisfy the deepest hunger! The world around us is experiencing hunger and thirst of huge proportions. When we approach the Table of the Lord, the Table of Plenty, we expect to receive pardon, healing, reassurance and comfort. That’s cool, but our Lord has more in store for us – much more than we can ever imagine!
What is stopping us from stepping forward – to boldly look out for a place where we can, in love and in trust, respond to his invitation? Is it our noisy surroundings, our preoccupation with self, our pride, our fears, our many attachments? To accept Jesus as the bread of heaven is not only life and spiritual nourishment for this world but glory in the world to come. Are we alert so as not to miss out on Jesus Christ’s invitation to love and to abide with him? May our participation in the Eucharistic celebrations continue to transform our parish community and the society around us into a civilization of love! May our longing for the Eucharist make us ever more patient and kind with one another in our homes and wherever we may be. Let us pray that we may truly become what we receive in the Eucharistic meal.
“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst,” (Jn 6:35).
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