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Saturday 23 February 2013

A Short Visits to Terengganu State

A Short Visits to Terengganu State
(21st - 22nd Feb)

I spent Thursday night in Kuala Terengganu. I was there to replace Fr Phillips Muthu for the weekend Masses in Kuala Terengganu and Dungun (Sunday is a working day for the state, so the Masses are usually held on Friday morning in Kuala Terengganu and in the evenings in Dungun and Kemaman).

On Thursday, I celebrated Mass and had the Rite of Enrollment for four candidates who are preparing for the Sacrament of Initiation this coming Easter Vigil. 

 On Friday, I celebrated Mass for the community in Kuala Terengganu and Dungun. I was surprised to see many students from South Sudan, Papua New Guinea and East Malaysia who have made up a large segment of the parish community there. It has truly become a multi-national community. 

Later as I was taking a drive, I had a panoramic view of the seaside, which I missed so much since I left the State of Terengganu a few years back.  I really admire Fr Phillips for the great work that he has done in this small yet flourishing community since he took over as parish priest. When I was assigned here I could not do much and I am glad that he has taken the initiative to turn this into an active and lively parish. I would also like to thank Fr Phillips for giving me the opportunity to come back here to celebrate Mass while he was away in Singapore for the Episcopal ordination. It was great to meet up with old friends and to make new ones and I truly enjoyed this trip to the East Coast – it was peaceful and relaxing.

Aunty Josephine Gomez -  A Pioneer Parishioner of Dungun

Catechism Class at Dungun Community Centre


naga said...

It is nice to learn of ur service to god. at the same time experiencing the beauty of globalisation and mother nature.may lord jesus guide u in the journey of service to him.

AnaJ said...

Thank you for this sharing Fr. It's really nice to see what is happening in other churches in Malaysia and its development. I am really happy to see it flourishing:)