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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Easter to Pentecost

Our 47 days Lenten journey which began with Ash  Wednesday  and culminated with the Easter Triduum  engaged us in prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a preparation to die to self and so live in Christ. It was a journey from Ashes to New life at the Baptismal font!  
The Easter Triduum: The liturgy of Holy Thursday moves us into the celebration of “Three Days” (Holy Thursday till Easter Sunday and Solemn Vespers), during which we make memory of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (Paschal mystery). These three days are really one solemn liturgy. We had a fruitful and spiritual celebration.

The most  significant celebration during these three days was the Easter Vigil, where we witnessed the 9 catechumens/elect who received Christ in their lives through the waters of baptism. We too renewed our baptismal promises by rejecting Satan and all his empty  promises and we professed our Faith in 12 Truths  (The Creed).

Divine Mercy Sunday: Observed universally on the 2nd Sunday of Easter, we at SJC celebrated the first ever chanted Divine Mercy  Chaplet by our own Choir followed by Holy Eucharist and        Benediction. The two important  elements so beautifully contemplated upon were "Mercy and Forgiveness".

Parish Activities: In the midst of the  above  solemnities and celebrations, we as a parish, families, BEC’s and individuals came together to ensure the huge success of the SJC Jogathon which took place on 11 April, 2015 as well as the 100% sale of tickets for the Easter Gala Dinner, 18 April, 2015. Syabas to our beloved Fund Raising Committee!

Events come and go but how do we, as Easter People / Resurrected People proclaim in our life the reality of our own Easter joy?

In the 50 days between Easter and Pentecost we will have ample  opportunities to do so, to reassess the mission we have received from our Baptism.

Let us reflect on the significance of the resurrection in our lives. The Risen Lord didn't abandon his disciples but He hung out with them till the Ascension and put the finishing touches on the three most significant years of His earthly life.

He too didn't leave us orphans. The first 11 verses in the Acts of the Apostles suggest that we, too, can go deeper with Jesus and discover what particular message He has for each one of us.
May Jesus, Heart of our Families enlighten your faith always.
God bless you and your families.

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