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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Christ’s Death and New Life

Christ’s Death and New Life - Our Salvation

Starting from Palm Sunday, we experience the ups and downs, the highs and lows of our faith and in our own personal life. Were there times  ‘... when sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim ...’?  There were so many things to accomplish, deadlines to meet, frantic efforts to do  the best we can. Yet, Mother Church in Her wisdom prompts us to “... be still and know that I am God”, to slow down, to read sacred scripture and to sink into the Life, Passion and Death of Jesus - the last week of Lent and the most sacred time of the liturgical year.

During this time, we re-enact in the liturgy, the sufferings and death of Christ, taking part in them as much as possible, so that we can bear our sufferings and put aside our sins which are the cause of all suffering. What does the death of Jesus mean to me?  What does it mean to “Glory in the Cross?  When the ‘enemy’ faces you in the eye, who do you turn to? Shut your eyes and ears and shout ‘Ghostbusters’?  Or do you ...“Turn your eyes upon Jesus”?

Then comes the “Easter Triduum” of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil where we celebrate the heart of our Catholic Faith. The great events of these days, each with special services, leads up the climax of the Church year and of human history – the Salvation.

Celebration of the Triumphal Resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. Easter is the Feast of feasts, the greatest, as we behold Jesus “born of a tomb” so that we may rise unto God’s Life.  Easter means – redemption obtained – sin destroyed, death overcome, and new life brought back to us. “Indeed, He is risen!”

“So let us run the race that is before us and never give up.... let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect”. (Hebrews 12: 1-2)

May you experience the joy of new life in your own way this Easter Season and may you carry on the Resurrection story to others. 


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