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Thursday 27 August 2015

Catechetical Sunday

This Sunday we celebrate Catechetical Sunday with the theme: "Be Courageous, I Have Conquered the World," (Jn16:33).

It is really heart-breaking to see reports in the newspapers, and listening to the radio and  watching  TV clips about helpless children and infants suffering and dying and the horrors being committed against Catholics and other Christians in the Middle East. Churches, people and symbols of our Christian faith are under siege. Many babies, children and innocent women and men have become refugees in their own land.

Our hearts are bleeding for the countless innocent  children and women and men who are suffering and dying. How can we not respond?

Even in our country, after celebrating 57 years of Independence and 51 years as the Federation of Malaysia, there still  exists  threats to our faith especially religious extremism, Islamisation, the unethical means of conversion, racial polarisation, injustices, political instability, the increase of social crimes, etc. The news we receive each day is alarming. It is heart-breaking. This is happening right now, during our lifetime.

On this Catechetical Sunday I encourage all parents and catechism teachers to conduct prayers with your kids during your respective classes and during your family prayers. Pray for the victims and survivors in order to bring spiritual comfort to them. My children, your prayers and support are urgently needed and your prayers are a form of bearing witness to their suffering.

Please pray to Our Lady to grant the children courage in their faith and the ability to confront the evils and to conquer them through endurance, patience, peace and love. May our Guardian Angels protect and watch over the helpless children in the Middle East and also in our country as well.

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