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Saturday 15 October 2022


World Mission Sunday (Rerum Ecclesiae) was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1926 with the intention of renewing our commitment to the missionary spirit, and committing ourselves to evangelise Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. The Universal Church reminds us annually of our fundamental character to be missionary disciples, through the Holy Father’s message on World Mission Sunday.  

This year, the Universal Church will be celebrating World Mission Sunday on 23 October 2022, with the theme: “You Shall Be My Witnesses” (Acts 1:8). The Holy Father, Pope Francis chose the theme from the last words of the Risen Lord with His disciples, before ascending into Heaven. He recalls that Jesus Christ was “the first to be sent as a missionary here on earth” and that He is “the faithful witness” and therefore, it is the Church’s sole mission to bear witness to Him.


The Holy Father highlights how the disciples were sent by Jesus to the whole world, to carry out His mission, and to live the mission entrusted to them - to be witnesses and to evangelise the good news. The Church manifests the character of her mission to go forth “to the ends of the earth” and proclaim the message of Christ. The Pope points out that we should be His witnesses, and make known Christ's love to all peoples, cultures and social states throughout generations.


All missionaries should “draw energy, strength and stimuli” in their work, through the working of the Holy Spirit – “You will receive the strength from the Holy Spirit.” Each missionary should cultivate a life of prayer, because it is essential in missionary life. On World Mission Sunday, we should proclaim Christ’s message of salvation in every aspect of our daily lives. The Pope reminds us that every Christian should reflect and pray on three foundations - “the life and mission of every disciple”, “the call of every Christian to bear witness to Christ” and “the heart of Jesus’ teaching” to all people.


(An Extract from the message of the Pope Francis for World Mission Day 2022)


Bringing the gospel of Christ to the world is our mission, and evangelising is the very identity of the Church. Jesus has given every baptised Catholic a mandate to evangelise the Good News to all nations (Mt 28: 18-20). First and foremost - to bring love to our homes, unity in our Parish community and smiles to people that we meet every day in our lives. 

Now is a time for us to render our service, talent, creativity, knowledge and experience, and be fully involved in the work of evangelisation as missionary disciples. As we come closer to the end of the year, let us pray together with the mission of the Church - that we may recognise the essential work of the Spirit, be refreshed and strengthened by it, and have joy in sharing Christ’s life with others. We pray for the grace of God, and for the understanding of what it is to be called My Witnesses.

Mary, Queen of the Missions, pray for us!

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