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Saturday 2 October 2021


October is a month of the Rosary and mission, and the Church invites us to pray the Rosary, as families and individuals. The Holy Father’s intention for October is that “All Christians Be Missionary Disciples.” He desires us to respond to the call of Jesus and to get into the spirit of mission - evangelising Jesus to all we meet in our daily lives. He added that we need to take every opportunity “to allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit”and “our action is to be motivated by Christ.” The Pope has assured us that when we live out our missionary spirit of discipleship, “our testimony of life will inspire admiration, and admiration inspires others to ask themselves,” as well. 

Every person has faced all kinds of mishap as they strive to find meaning in life. We must not be discouraged when faced with times of trials. We may not get any answer to our search immediately, but we must not lose hope. We must take it one step at the time and fix our eyes on Jesus. The Church invites us to pray the Rosary, as we honour our Blessed Virgin Mary during this month of October. 


Mary and Joseph have been great sources of inspiration and admiration throughout the ages, and they will give us courage, strength, confidence and conviction. They have played essential roles in the lives of many priests and missionaries, by guiding them in their ministries and evangelising Jesus to wherever they are sent to. I am very certain that you too would have experienced and be able testify in your own live how Mary and Joseph have been a source of strength and inspiration in your faith journey.


Sadly, the practice of praying the Rosary has been abandoned by many Catholics. Many have no time to pray the Rosary daily because they are occupied with daily work, busy with family matters and other distractions. However, let us strive to make a change this month to be united with Jesus, Mary and Joseph as we pray and reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary. Let us make the effort to grow and glow as missionary disciples.


Recently, I received a text message with an image of tigers - a mother and her cub. The caption
on the image echoed “When you know who is behind you, the fear of what is in front disappears.”  The tiger cub was walking right in front of its mother confidently, without having any fear. Similarly, being missionary disciples, when we go on our mission of carrying out tasks entrusted to us by Christ, we should go without any fear, knowing that Mother Mary and Joseph - the Guardians of the Holy Redeemer - are behind us, besides us, in front of us and near us.


During this Year of Plenary Indulgence, the Year of St Joseph, the Church wants us to follow the footsteps of Christ with proper disposition and with certain determination to avoid any wrong doings that offend our relationships with the loving God. During this month of Rosary and mission, let us use the Rosary beads as an instrument of spiritual weapon in all our calamities, trials and challenges, and pray together as one Holy Church with the spirit of missionary discipleship, as we evangelise Christ to all people.

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