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Saturday 24 October 2020


Catholics are devoted to praying the Rosary and contemplating Jesus with Mother Mary, especially in May and October, since these two months are dedicated as the months of the Rosary. Our devotion to Mary invites us to consecrate ourselves to her, by saying wholeheartedly - “I am completely yours” (Totus tuus). October is also known as the missionary month, and we pray with Mother Mary, as we grow together in friendship with Christ Jesus and become missionary disciples, bringing Jesus into the lives of others.

The Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur has suspended Masses in Churches in the Klang Valley and the State of Selangor until further notice due to the increase in numbers of COVID-19 cases here. This whole month, many of us have been praying the Rosary as individuals and families ceaselessly. Do you know that each week we pray 35 decades of the Rosary from 4 mysteries - The Glorious, Joyful, Sorrowful and Luminous Mysteries. Ever since the Coronavirus started to spread and surge in numbers in our land, each day I compose an intention pertaining to the COVID-19 infection for everyone – praying for security, protection, healing, and for those who died of COVID-19. I have been inviting people and parishioners to pray for this pandemic to end, since the Movement Control Order (MCO) in March 2020. I forward these intentions to those in my contact list, inviting them to offer these intentions when they pray the Rosary. We have seen an increase in COVID-19 positive cases in this current third wave of infections, following the Sabah Elections in September 2020. As such, I encourage everyone to continue praying the Rosary daily, until the end of this pandemic.

In the past years, we would place a “Book of Remembrance” at our Parish Office in October and invite Parishioners to write down the names of departed souls and loved ones in the book. Throughout the month of November, the Book of Remembrance would be placed at the sanctuary of the Church, and we would collectively offer our prayers for all the departed souls during Mass. Also, during this time, we would kneel down and meditatively listen to the “Requiems” during the weekend Masses. 

We should not forget our loved ones, our closest ones - parents, children, siblings, friends, etc. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic, this year you will not have the opportunity to list down the names of your departed loved ones in the Book of Remembrance, and it will not be placed at the Sanctuary as done in the past. However, we will instead forward a prayer to everyone, so that you may pray for them. We invite you to continuously dedicate at least a decade of the Rosary to those who have gone before us, including all those who have died of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading worldwide for almost a year now, and many people are undergoing “emotional anxiety” such as stress, panic, fear and also anger caused by financial and social factors. We continue to seek the intercession of Our Lady, our spiritual Mother and Saint Joseph, Our Patron - so that all families will stay positive, remain calm and maintain a prayerful spirit at home as we combat COVID-19 together.

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