Every month, the Holy Father Pope Francis, invites people worldwide to pray for a specific intention. Every year, 1st September is observed as the World Day of Peace for the “Care of Creation”. His Holiness’ prayer intention for the month of September 2020 is “Respect for the Planet’s Resources”. He urges us not only to pray for creation and its resources, but most of all, he wants us to learn to respect our planet’s resources.
The Holy Father said that “we are squeezing out the planet’s goods as if the earth were an orange”. We are creating an “ecological debt” which means we are exploiting natural resources and destroying natural habitats. We have to learn to respect Mother Earth’s resources, “Today, not tomorrow; today, we have to take care of creation responsibly”. The Earth’s resources “will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner – no to plundering; yes to sharing”.
The Holy Father also invites us to pray for “politicians, scientists and economists to work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans”. There are many living creatures in the ocean and their lives are threatened for various reasons. “God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased,” (Gen 1: 31) and “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude,” (1 Tim 4:4). Creation is a “project of love” given by God to all mankind. God our Creator revealed His loved among us, who came in the Person of Christ and lived among us (cf. 1 Jn 4: 9) to heal us, to restore us with the harmony that we have lost – harmony with living creatures and nature. He still lives among us – “He doesn’t abandon us, He doesn’t leave us alone, because He has definitely united us with our land, and His love always leads us to find new paths,” (Laudato Si, no. 245).
During the month of September, we need to be aware of our responsibility by strengthening our commitment towards respecting and protecting our planet. Every individual should carry out the mission of the Church by helping our communities to be more serious in our responsibility and transforming our activities to respect the environment. It is important and necessary to commit ourselves to love and respect Mother Earth. The Church has always been campaigning to bring awareness to people about the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity.
We must learn to live with what natural resources are available to us. We must stop polluting Mother Earth. We must reduce waste in order to protect the environment. We need to work towards building healthy generations, so that every human being may live in harmony with nature in the future.
Therefore, we pray for humanity and the Church for all the challenges, faced. We pray and work towards the Holy Father’s monthly intention for September, by respecting the Earth’s resources. St Francis of Assis is the Patron Saint of ecology, whose feast is celebrated on 4 October. Together with St Francis of Assisi, we pray that our planet’s resources will not be stolen by anyone, but shared in a just and respectful manner, and that we will find a way of enriching our inner lives as well.
(Released on 27/2/2019)
Listen to the animals
Listen to the trees
Listen to the spirits of the Earth
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed.
Listen to the rivers
Listen to the sea
Listen to the spirits of the deep
Begging us please
Stop listening to greed.
She sent the drought to warn us
She sent the storms to scold us
But we don't listen
We burn and we break
And we take and we take
And we take
Till it's too late.
Oh where did the beasts go?
Where did the trees go?
Where will man go
When he has lost
The heartbeat
Beneath his feet.
Oh this is our home
She gives us home
Mother Earth
Can you feel
Her heartbeat
Beneath your feet.
Beneath your feet
Beneath your feet.
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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