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Saturday 20 July 2019


On Sunday, 14 July 2019 during the 6pm Mass, Archbishop Julian Leow administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 51 candidates. There were 28 students from the Form Five catechism class, 5 candidates from RCIA (Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults) and 18 from the Myanmar Zomi community. This is the first time we have had the Myanmarese candidates join the Sacrament of Confirmation with our own students.

After a long period of preparation, learning, sharing, serving, fellowship and through their commitment of attending classes regularly – they have come forward with promising hearts to be faithful servants and ambassadors of Christ. By the laying of hands and anointment with the Oil of Sacred Chrism, they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Catechism of the Catholic Church: # 1300-1301).

Today, they have become spiritually matured adults. This Sacrament has brought them deeper into communion with the Catholic Church. They have the opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith and put into practice their faith in order to be Disciples of Christ.

My dear confirmands and also young people, a great future awaits you if you focus on the bright side of life and identify your real value. When your faith sparks in the life of others - that is the day your faith becomes alive. Once you go out and seek for people who need your help and make these people’s lives better and beautiful, then you will know that you have changed someone’s life. That is the day you can proudly say that your faith in Christ is alive and you are alive in Christ! Let’s “seek the Lord; your faith will revive,” (Ps 69: 32).

Godparents, you have a significant role to play in the life of your spiritual sons and daughters, in order for them to be living examples of faith. I am happy that the candidates have chosen you to be their sponsors and I hope and pray that you will offer your support and encouragement in their faith journey.

As parishioners, we need to serve as role models to our confirmands and RCIA candidates. We need to encourage them to learn more about the Catholic faith and welcome them into our community. It is our duty to look after their faith and share the joy of Christ, which we have experienced ourselves.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis said that the Sacrament of Confirmation “strengthens our relationship with the Church and gives us special strength from the Holy Spirit to defend the faith”and “it unites us more firmly to Christ.”The Church will continue to be responsible for their regular Mass attendance and for their growth in spiritual life. The Church will also continuously offer formations, so that they may increase their faith and be united firmly in the Catholic Church.

We will be inviting RCIA candidates who have been baptised and confirmed in recent years to come together for the “RCIA REUNION 2019”on 18 August 2019 at 7.30pm. We realise that many of them have not come back to our Church after receiving their sacraments. The Church has taken so much initiative to prepare them for the sacraments and it is the duty of the Church to assist them in their faith life for the rest of their lives.

I would like to express many thanks to the Form 5 teachers and Catechism coordinators: Priscilla, Matilda, Puspa Rakini and Monica, the RCIA coordinators:  Christina and Veronica, as well as the many others who have played their part in preparing our students and candidates for the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation. God bless you all!

The visit of Jesus to the home of Mary and Martha (LK 10:38-42) reminds us that hard work is a Christian ethic but sometimes we just need to sit and listen.

In our daily lives we can become so busy and stress with our every day things of life that we lose our focus. We rush here and we rush there. We are like Martha when Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things.”

The best thing we can do is stop rushing and start resting in Jesus. We need to stop worrying about “so many things” and refocus on those things that are really important.
Martha said to Jesus: “Lord, do You not care....” At time we accuse Jesus that He is not caring us. We can become so distracted and disturbed by what is going on in our lives.
God always takes care of us. As we go through this busy world - let our focus always be on Jesus.
“He will make His dwelling with those who keep His Word and practice justice.” (PS 135).

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