In the Gospel (MK 1: 29-39), Jesus heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. The disciples “immediately”
told Jesus about her fever, and He “right away” reaches out in
healing concern to help her from her sick bed. Jesus approached, grasped her hand, and
helped raising her up. She got up and started serving the Lord immediately. The
healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is a picture of the compassion and concern of
First, it comes the healing of Peter’s
mother-in-law within the intimate family circle of the home. Next, the “whole
town” of Capernaum comes to the door of Peter’s home, bringing “all who were
ill or possessed by demons” and Jesus heals them all.
The circle of compassion has grown to
include neighbours and to include different kinds of sickness. It is the
essence of healing and compassion not to remain within the inner circle but to
go out in mission to the entire world, because they are built on self-giving
Jesus heals the brokenhearted and
binds up our wounds.
Lord Jesus, find us, heal us, so that we may follow
you to save others. Amen.
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