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Saturday 2 December 2017


The central point of the parable (MK 13: 33-37) reflects the motto: “Be prepared! And Stay Awake!”

The next four Sundays we will be celebrating Advent. Advent is the season of hope, and the season of repentance. During this season of Advent we are to prepare for the coming of Jesus and how do we prepare, we repent! Jesus tells us to watch, to wait for He is coming.

Jesus is coming into the world. Jesus is coming at the end of time. He is coming as a babe born in the manger. He is coming to us through the word and sacraments. He is coming!

This season of Advent reminds us again of the great love God has for us through His Son. That love changes us, and bring hope into our lives.

When Jesus comes lives change. When Jesus comes heart change. When Jesus comes the world around us seems more hopeful.

Let us prepare ourselves to meet with him through prayer. “Lord make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved,” (Psalm 80).

Have a Blessed Advent!

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