“The greatest among you must be your servant. Anyone
who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be
Servant leadership is not about positions and titles.
A servant-leader focuses on the growth and well-being of others and gives an
inspiration of hope to the hopeless.
The greatest leader that we Christian admire most is Lord Jesus Christ because His
goal was not status or popularity. He set a perfect example as a servant
leader, throughout His life.
Whatever Jesus expected the
disciples to do, He always showed them how to do it first. In today’s world,
many leaders expect their followers to perform their tasks which they
themselves are incapable of doing. This destroys the leaders credibility and
causes them to lose respect from their followers.
Jesus knows that humility can be difficult
because disciples are called to be last, not first. The
greatest among us is the one who puts the needs of others first. There is
nothing more satisfying than to see someone you have worked with succeed. We as
Christians leaders must strive to be servant leaders not praised leaders. “Keep
my sould in peace before you, O Lord.”
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