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Saturday 29 July 2017


Last Sunday (23/07), we had a presentation of certificates for Post-Confirmation students of 2017 after the Sunday 9 am Mass. For many confirmands, they see the moment they receive Sacrament of Confirmation, they think that they have graduated from faith formation and life in the Church has come to an end or rather takes a back seat. Don't be of the perception that your confirmation is on the same level as that of a college or university graduation. Faith formation is far more deep and is a continuous lifetime commitment that does not come to a halt upon receiving the sacrament of confirmation. You have not done with the Catholic Church yet. Your confirmation is just an initiation into the life and mission of Christ and the Church. You are now called to be salt and light of the world.

In present days many young people don't attend Mass regularly. Church has become boring to our young people because the message is the same. Church has become irrelevant to their life. Many parents have been bugging their children to go for Mass at least on Sundays. First, the young people must understand that the moment they disconnect from the Church they begin to drift spiritually.
For an instance, when you and your friend slowly begin to drift away from one another, it could be an indication that your friendship could be coming to an end. If you feel like you are growing apart from your friend, you may find a way to re-evaluate and reconnect with your friendship. Likewise, the same goes to your life with your Church and God. Many of our young people begin to drift away from Church and from God because they commit themselves in too many worldly activities. Slowly they feel unwilling and unenthusiastic to pray or to read the Bible and feel guilty to return to  Church and God.
We need Jesus Christ and we need the Church. We need the Church community and we need each other. Without the Church as a foundation then we would not get the message of Chrsit into our lives. We should always keep ourselves close to the Church and call out to God before we are far from the shore and lose all sense of direction in life. There are few youngsters have shared with me that they don't find God in the Church and further that all those who come to Church are a bunch of hypocrites.

There is no perfect Church. There are no perfect Christians but together we help each other become the persons God intended us to be. As you get involved in the Church activities and regularly particpate in the Sunday Eucharistic celebration you will experience a deeper meaning in life.

My dear young adults at time you may distance yourselves from Church activities. You too may feel disheartened at times and you may feel like wanting to drift away from the Church. Whenever you feel this you ought to straighten your path in God’s way. You should begin to start waking up a few minutes earlier each day to read the daily readings  and pray before you leave to work or college. It is a time to cut down your other unplesant activitives and pay heed to your relationship with God and the Church. Your spiritual life will be strengthened as your faith increase day by day and your ability to overcome daily struggles will grow as well.

Do always keep your head up, your eyes straight ahead and your focus fixed on what is in front of you. Take care of your faith and don't go  astray from the right path, the way of truth,
and you will safely reach the end of your road.

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