What are we afraid of? It’s been said that everyone is afraid
of something. We have phobias that we can be afraid of just about anything. What
are we afraid to lose? What are we afraid to give up? What are we afraid to let
go of? We are afraid of evil. We
worry about uncertainties! What if? We
may struggle with faith at times. When we are facing trials and difficulties we
can become afraid.
In this Gospel today, Jesus tells us to each and everyone of us: “So do not be afraid…” (MT 10: 26-33). His word reminds us again and again that we really
have no reason to be lonely, frightened, or terrified. God is with us.
shall not be afraid but trust in God. God is with us. Sometimes God’s presence is hard to trust in because
we have to believe that He is there with us. Whenever we face a fearful
situation we need to realise He is there. Prophet Jeremiah wrestles within
himself between doubt and faith. In the end, his trust in the Lord’s
vindication wins out.
God will fight a lot of
our battles for us but there are some where He has trained us to fight. We are
called to “Fight the good fight” in our race. "The LORD is my light and my
salvation, whom shall I fear?" (Ps 27:1). Let us seek the Lord today so that we too can be
delivered from all our fears.
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