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Friday 14 April 2017


Jesus was beaten. He was bruised and He was crucified on the cross.
The cross is an interesting thing. It was invented as a means of torture, execution and death sentence. It was designed to express a painful, disgraceful, shameful, death. It was a symbol of hopelessness and punishment.

Today the cross is a symbol of hope, forgiveness and new life.  Today, on this Good Friday, as we look at the cross we ask ourselves: Why we use a cross on our neck, at the doorway, etc.? And what was accomplished on the cross?

Look at Jesus who was rejected and condemned by his own people; betrayed and denied by his own disciples and friends; and led to the death of a criminal. No one can go through a greater suffering like Jesus.
Today, look at Jesus on the cross and say to Him, “Thank you Jesus, you did it for me. I will never forget it”.

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