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Saturday 11 February 2017


Since 1960s, Vatican II has called for the renewal of the spiritual life of Catholics which resulted in the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS). Since then, the Catholic Church has for more than 40 years, been organising the LSS which has helped millions of people all over the world. The two main objectives of the LSS are for renewal and rekindling the power of the Holy Spirit that we received through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.

We will be starting the LSS in our parish. Our programme is designed for once a week and it will be conducted over a seven-week period. The LSS provides teachings, guidance, group sharing, testimonies, and prayers, which will lead you to experience a new and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It leads us to a way of learning more about living in the Spirit as we grow in faith. It helps the church members to have an ongoing personal conversion and to renew their baptismal commitments in order to experience a fuller life in the Spirit.

The LSS committee is inviting ALL our parishioners to participate in these sessions. The theme which they have chosen, is “Behold I Come to Bring Fire…” (Lk 12: 49). 

There are 5 things the organising team wants to accomplish through this LSS:
  • ·     Rekindle your first love of God
  • ·      Open yourself to His healing
  • ·      Restore any area of brokenness in your life
  • ·      Rediscover the purpose of life
  • ·      Living it to the full through the Grace of God 
The LSS committee has set the above tasks as objectives to bring conversion, renewal and transformation in our parish. The committee intends every parishioner to make a first commitment in enrolling in this event. Some of you may think that this is only for those who are in the prayer group ministry and for those who are deep in their prayer life. The LSS is not just solely on prayer and healing.

We invite all of you to come with an open-mind and fully participate in this. Come and experience the sacramental graces and empower yourself with a new and fuller relationship with Jesus Christ. Your active participation in the session, Eucharist and reconciliation will enhance and strengthen your faith. We hope too the gift of the Holy Spirit will fill your life and change you so that you may experience His love abundantly, “I came that they might have life and have it to the full,” (Jn 10:10).

As one community let us pray:
  • ·      For the LSS committee and all other sub-committees, in time of discouragement, that they may remain humble before God and have confidence that He is at work bringing our church together.
  • ·     Pray for the participants to continually submit to God’s will and become filled with a zeal for Jesus and His Church.
  • ·     Pray for the presenters to faithfully preach the Word of God and to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Christ.
The LSS is for everyone. We invite you to come and join. Please do register soon.

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