“Joy to the World,” is a popular Christmas Carol. Joy is sung in our
hearts on Christmas Day. Christmas celebrations bring great joy and happiness to
us. I was really impressed with the Caroling led by our Tamil and English
choirs. They sang very well and all enjoyed listening
to them sing. They sang very well during both the Christmas Eve and Day
Masses and choice of songs were very good. Many thanks for your efforts and congratulations
on your fabulous singing. It was truly wonderful and we all enjoyed it.
Today is the 1st Sunday of a New Year. This week our children
will be returning to their schools and our young people will be heading off to
colleges. Most of us will be going back to work after a long holiday break. How
can we prepare for the New Year? What do you anticipate for this year? Are you
full of enthusiasm, looking forward eagerly to what each day will bring? I am
sure we are looking forward to the New Year and hoping that this year will be
better than last. It is good to start over afresh.
This New Year onwards we shall be journeying with a
year will be another best of years for each and every one of us in St Joseph’s
community. As we enter into the
threshold of the New Year we shall start reciting our community prayer during the
weekend Masses and mediate and reflect upon this. May this prayer help us to build our relationship with
one another and a willingness to move in the direction God is calling us.
Let us love Jesus and His Church and follow Jesus, bring others
to Jesus and be transformed into Jesus. Let’s make 2017 the best year ever at
the Church of St Joseph, Sentul, KL.
God the Father,
strengthen our faith community,
enlighten our
strengthen our
will, purify our hearts and make us holy.
Give us only
Your Love and Your Grace
to rise above
our human weaknesses
and to grow
stronger as a Christian community.
We are blessed here at the Church of St
with many opportunities to serve and grow
in our faith journey.
We ask for the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us,
to submit our
lives to Your will and
realise our
vision as we commit ourselves to celebrate Jesus Christ by:
our prayer life
deeply rooted in the Word of God
the Sacraments as a touch of God
ourselves to New Evangelisation.
Loving Saint Joseph, our Patron, watch over us, protect us.
Blessed Virgin, assist us to live your obedience, your faith, your hope and
your love. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns, for
ever and ever. Amen.
May God bless you and your family and
bless your New Year of 2017!
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