Pentecost celebration concludes
the Easter season. It marks the birth of the Church on earth and affirms that “Jesus
is the Lord and King of the Kingdoms of the earth” (Ps 67). The Holy Spirit was
sent on the day of Pentecost that we might forever carry out firmly our Church
mission in preaching, celebrating Jesus in the Sacraments and in all events of
our lives.
problems or issues arise, Church has the answer for all your searching. The
Spirit dwells in the Church and in the hearts of everyone. Just faithfully
carry out your Christian commitments either at home or church or in your work
place. Do participate and involve yourself in the various ministries and you
will experience the enhancement in your faith life. No matter what, our Church
will assist you in your faith and keep you on the right path to life of
Our Novenas and
Feast Day to St Joseph has brought us to the height of our parish feast day and
Easter celebrations. Personally, I felt that these celebrations have touched my
faith even deeper and made me take a step closer to Jesus. As your priest I do
take my priestly commitments seriously and work towards strengthening your
faith despite issues that arise here and there in the various ministries. On
your part I do see all of you giving the best of yourselves, time and efforts
to make things successful in your ministries.
On 13 May 2016
(Friday) the Church celebrated the 99th Year anniversary of our Lady
of Fatima. The Angel of Peace appeared three times to the shepherd
children, Lucia (10), Francisco (8) and Jacinta (6) in the beginning of 1916.
These visitations prepared the way for the six apparitions of Our Lady of
Fatima the following year in 1917. The Church will mark 100 years since the
Fatima apparitions in the year 2017.
The central
message of Fatima was urging the faithful disciples to prayer as the path of
“salvation for souls” and “to stay on the narrow path to Heaven”. It also calls
us to do penance and conversion and a daily turning away from sin. At all six
appearances, the Virgin Mary only requested for us to pray the Rosary, every
day, which can help, save our souls.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
you; and you will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1: 8).
Wish all of you my dear parishioners “Happy Pentecost
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