This week we shall reflect on the wedding at Cana (Jn 2:1-11).
The first miracle of Jesus was turning the water
into wine at the wedding of Cana.The Bible begins and ends with a
wedding; i) Adam and Eve’s in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:23-24) and ii) the
marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9; 21:9; 22:17).
Marriage is the symbol of the covenant relationship God
desires with His chosen people. God is the Bridegroom and humanity His beloved,
the bride.
That’s why in today’s Gospel, Jesus performs His first
public “sign” at a wedding feast. Jesus is the Divine Bridegroom. By His New
Covenant, He will become “one flesh” with all humanity in the Church. By our
Baptism, each of us has been betrothed engaged to Christ as a bride.
“Do whatever He tells you..,” (Jn 2:5). Mary
told the servants to do whatever Jesus commanded them to do. It was obedience
to the instructions of Jesus that enabled them to experience the miracle. We
must obey the instructions or commanments that the Lord gives to us and we must
live according to the word of God.
On this day do pray for all
married couples that through the intercession of Mother Mary, the Lord will
bless and strengthen their Sacrament of Matrimony as they keep all their marriage
promises alive forever.
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