“Give to Caesar what is belong to Caesar and give to God what is belong to God, (MT 22:22)."
The verb translated "GIVE" here often carries the sense of giving something “BACK” to who it belongs. Our giving unto to Him is an outward sign of our inward condition. It is not just an obligation, but an opportunity for blessing. Hearts that belong to God rejoice in the opportunity to use what God has given them to worship Him; whether it be by the giving of money, time, talents, etc. What we have we gladly give to God and then set back in excited anticipation to see how He will use what we give.
The Gospel reminds us that we as Christians we not only members of the Church but also members of the society. Tensions can exist between our loyalty to God and our duty to our country especially when political issues touch upon faith, morality and justice. In this case we need to put God and His laws first even if it brings us into conflict with the state.
Integrity starts in the heart, a heart that is fully controlled by God. Once you have examined your heart then you need to examine your actions. If you need to examine your integrity then live truthfully. Live by the truth of God’s word.
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