There is no person in the world, without some manner of trouble. Trouble appears to crush one’s life.
On this 5th Sunday of Easter, Jesus is referring to, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in a God still. Trust in Me," (Jn 14:1-2). We must belief that God is with us in all our troubles.
When we see things happening not according to our plan and when we don't get what we want, "Do not let your hearts be troubled." Jesus is always with us. It is rather should be a time for serious soul searching. God is alive and actively involved in all our events and crises.
We must call upon God and pray to Him in our troubles. It is not just praying in the times of troubles. Prayer should be the heart and soul of each Christian. We should become a prayerful people.
The Lord is good. He looks on those who revere Him. He looks on those who hope in His love. He rescues our souls from troubles, from death and keep us alive. May our love be upon Him and place our hope and trust in Him, (Cf Ps 32:18-19).
Hi Fr, just wanted you to know that I really enjoy reading your blog. God Bless
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