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Sunday 9 March 2014

Temptation is a Real Test

The liturgy of the 1st Sunday in Lent proposes every year to our meditation the temptations of Jesus. The reason of this choice is it wants to encourage us to face temptations by learning how to identify them and how to get over them, and how to pull ourselves up, by taking the example of Jesus. Like Jesus in the wilderness, we are being led by the Spirit into a forty-day period of prayer and fasting, to help us reflect on the direction our lives are taking.

Temptation is a real test and the worst thing about it, is that it is always an attraction. Temptations are always a testing ground of our faith as they force us to make decisions for or against God. As followers of Christ, we must be ready to stand firm from the evil one. Because Jesus Himself experienced temptations, He understands us in our weaknesses and He is always there to give us hope and encouragement.

God as Our Point of Reference. Overcoming temptation is not an easy business. In fact, it’s impossible without God’s grace. When Jesus was tempted, He showed us what our reference point should be: God. All three times the devil tempted Him, he answered by putting God’s word and God’s will first. In order for us to persevere in our Lenten resolutions, we must center ourselves on God and rely on His grace. That means living close to Christ in Scripture and staying close to Him especially in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.

Lord Jesus, in this season of Lent, I want to draw closer to you. I want to love you more than myself and say “yes” to your will in every moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Padre for sharing the team of today's gospel with us, is so enriching.