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Thursday 27 March 2014

Acknowledging the Wounded!

“Touching the Wounds of Christ” during the season of Lent.

Many people are wounded not physically but emotionally. The wounds may have been caused by our own behaviour and by our own words and deeds which have deeply hurt others. We ourselves cause wounds. Wounding others (our parents, spouses, children, siblings, loved ones, etc) have become a cycle which has to be broken especially in this season of Lent.
We have already journeyed half way through this season of Lent. Have we made ourselves available to touch the wounded with our words and deeds? Closing our eyes to the wounded person is also closing our hearts to God. When we open our eyes and acknowledge the wounded, our lives will change. When we touch them with a gesture of Christ’s love and compassion, it will bring healing and blessing to one another. God loves the wounded and those who cause the wounds.

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