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Monday 24 March 2014

Jesus Quenches Our Thirst

The gospel of 3rd Sunday of Lent is about the encounter of two persons: Jesus and a woman from Samaria. At the well, Jesus simply tells the woman that she will remain dry unless she confronts her past and changes her life.  She submits to the Love of God.  From the moment she submits to God's love, she is forgiven and transformed. Her thirst is quenched.

We must capture that type of spiritual thirst! We must thirst and long for God and for spiritual living! To often, we try to quench our thirst in all the wrong places. We drink from the worldly well instead from the well of life, which is found in Christ.

A Woman at a well is thirsty.  A thirsty Jesus joins her.  A thirsty people, you and I, are also present at that well. Jesus provides the living water, the water of his Word and Eucharist that alone will ultimately quench our thirst. 

Lenten prayers, fasting and almsgiving offer us a precious opportunity to drink this life-giving water to share it with others as well. We pray that this year Lent season will bring us closer to the fountain of living water, the new promised life in Jesus.

Psalmist expressed it this way, "As a deer yearns for running streams, so I yearn for you, my God. I thirst for God, for the living God." (Ps 42:1-2).

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