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Monday 16 December 2013

The Coming of the Lord Stirs Joy

The 3rd Sunday of Advent is called “the joyful Sunday.” The coming of our Saviour will stir up the joy within us, in our homes, in our community and the Church.

During his lifetime, John himself had doubts about Jesus being the true Messiah and unsure about whether Jesus "who is about to come.” 

We all have doubts and fears that float up in moments of difficulty and trial. Be it doubt or fear, the lesson is exactly the same: Turn to Christ in every circumstance of life. Christ is our reassurance and strength when fear invades our hearts and clouds our minds. Thus, we echo the motto of the Baptist in all that we do: “He must increase and I must decrease”.
Where God is, there is joy and there is beauty. Our hearts can easily become frightened and weighed down by the hardships we face. Our hands can grow weaker. We can lose patience in our sufferings as we await the coming of the Lord. 

No matter what, we have to carry around our wounded hearts and we have to accept suffering willingly and joyfully. We must not allow any distress to break our friendship with God until He comes and heals us. May this Christmas stir up the joy within us.

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