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Monday 7 October 2013

Faith Makes God Real!

"Lord, increase our faith!” (LK 17: 5)

Faith is not a philosophy, or a mind bending concept, or a logic of reasoning. It is simply a gift from God Almighty. There are some disciplines you can start with to make you more aware of your faith. During this Year of Faith each of us is being called to personal conversion, to open our hearts in order to be in communion and solidarity with Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life! 

God wants us to pray in faith. Faith makes things happen. Faith makes Heaven real· Faith makes God Real· Life is really exciting. 

Our faith needs to be increased so that whenever we come to a crisis in our life, we will be ready for it. We need to exercise the faith we have received.

Faith helps us to understand life and fosters our happiness. A faith that is rooted in Jesus can achieve the impossible things in our lives. 

Whatever the evils of the world, the person who has faith in Jesus will always come out victoriously. Let us today join the apostles in asking the Lord to increase our faith.

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