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Monday 14 October 2013

The Social Grace - Gratitude

On the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we heard in the Gospel, “Were not all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they?" (LK 17:17). But only one of them thought it worthwhile to return and say thank you. The other lepers failed to show appreciation to Jesus but kept everything for themselves and gave nothing back. Jesus expressed disappointment at the attitude of the nine who stayed away and forgot to thank and praise God.
We are no longer a people who are quick to show gratitude. A study from a few years ago revealed that, in fact, very few parents and teachers teach children about such things as “the social grace” which includes gratitude. The expression of gratitude is one of the most fundamental signs of respect for one another.
We must make it a personal rule to thank and praise God for everything that happens to us. Even when a misfortune happens to us, if we thank and praise God that it will turn into a blessing and eventual happiness. We are expected to thank God not only for our happy days but for the upsetting ones too.

I would like make reference to the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (YouCat) which talks about the need to put our gratitude for God first and our parents, second.

i) Why did God make man?  (YouCat no. 59)
God man everything for man. Man, however, who is “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake”, was created in order to be blessed. This happens when man knows, loves, and serves God and lives in gratitude toward His creator. Gratitude is love that has been acknowledged. Someone who is grateful turns freely to the giver of the good and enters into a new, deeper relationship with him. God wishes us to acknowledge His love and even now to live our whole life in relation with Him. This relationship lasts forever.

ii) How does a child respect his parents? (YouCat no. 371)
A child respects and honours his parents by showing them love and gratitude. Children should be grateful to their parents in the first place because they receive their life from the love of their parents. This gratitude establishes a lifelong relationship of love, respect, responsibility and obedience, rightful understood. Especially in times of need, sickness and old age, children should lovingly be there for their parents and care for them carefully.

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