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Monday 30 September 2013

Go, Do Not be Afraid and Serve!

The World Youth Day (WYD) in Brazil has come and gone. On the 28th September, about 18 of the pilgrims of WYD gathered at Assumption Hall, PJ to look back and reflect on their favorite moments. I was happy to see and hear their experiences at Rio through their sharing and video presentations.

During my reflection with them I just recalled with them the three simple ideas of Pope Francis' messages during the WYD 2013: "Go, Do not be afraid, and Serve."

1. Go. Jesus did not say: “if you would like to, if you have the time." The experience of encountering Jesus and others must not remain locked up in your life or in the small group of your parish, your movement, or your community but “Go and make disciples of all nations."

2. Do not be afraid. We may think we are not prepared or not worthy, and how can I go and proclaim the Gospel? In fact Prophet Jeremiah had a fear being a young man like you, when he was called by God to be a prophet, “Be not afraid ... for I am with you to deliver you” (Jer 1:7,8). He is with us, (Mt 28:20).  “Do not be afraid!” God goes before us and guides us.

3. Serve. Saint Paul says: “I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more” (1 Cor 9:19). In order to proclaim Jesus, Paul made himself “a slave to all”. Evangelising means bearing personal witness to the love of God, it is overcoming our selfishness, it is serving by bending down to wash the feet of our fella brothers and sisters, as Jesus did.

They seem to be looking forward to the WYD 2016 which is returning to the land of the founder, Blessed John Paul II. It is going to be a significant event once again because it will coincide with the 30th anniversary of the first official WYD in 1986.

Just to remind my dear young people that the Church needs you, the Church is counting on you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and your joy. When you give yourself to the life of the Church sure you will discover much intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth within you.

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