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Saturday 24 February 2018


Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a high mountain (MK 9: 2-10). He shares with His disciples a glimpse of His future glory in the Transfiguration. This is an event that is mainly for Him but that needs to be witnessed by these three disciples so that they can tell people about it after His resurrection.

Jesus and His disciples didn’t stay on top of that mountain of glory because Jesus knew he had his ministry to be continued and He had to go down in the valley in order to reach the next mountaintop.

The mountaintop is where we look back and see that Christ is with us every step of our way. The mountaintop is where we see the glory of Christ face to face and that gives us the strength and hope to continue our daily task. The valleys of life are what makes us who we are and allows us to have those great mountaintop experiences.

During this Lent, take some time in prayer to consider the most serious struggles that we face at this present time in our lives. Be grateful for the gift of faith in God and seek His face to know Him more intimately so that our face be transfigured and transformed.

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