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Saturday 17 February 2018


“He was with the wild beasts, and the angels looked after him,” (MK 1:12-15).
Every year as we start the Lenten season we question ourselves: what to do and what should I give up? This Lent we shall put Jesus into the center of our lives and deepen our trust in Him. Without Him we can do nothing.

We allow Jesus to be God in our lives. When He takes more space in our lives He can work in us the way that He wants to work. Jesus will be with us and will bring power into the darkest sides of our lives. He will not leave us alone in the wilderness and with the demons. If we create enough space for Jesus in our hearts He will reveal to us what we need to put to death in our own lives.

What actually take up much space in our life and what are the stumbling blocks or barriers Jesus from being God for us? We may need to give up something so that He can have more space to work in our lives.

“Lord, make me know Your ways and teach me Your paths!

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