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Saturday 10 February 2018


World Day of Marriage

is a day to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage once again. As we celebrate World Marriage Day, it is a great opportunity “to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family.”

The Church reminds husbands and wives to understand that their call to marriage is a call to make a total gift of self to their spouses and a deep union with each other. Vocation is a calling and it is not a job. When we fail to recognise marriage as a calling, we belittle it. All married couples, single, divorced, widowed need to pray every day for the grace to live out their vocation to perfection and holiness in an imperfect world.

Pope Francis says that newly married couples should be helped “to enrich and deepen their conscious and free decision to have, hold and love one another for life” (Amoris Laetitia, no. 217).

On this day let’s pray that all married couples renew their marriage covenant, strengthen their bond of peace with their children, grow closer together and grow more confident in their vocation to share God’s love with all those around them.

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