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Saturday 20 July 2024


A few courageous women from St. Thomas Church, Kuantan, have fearlessly taken the lead in initiating a Women’s Ministry in the Parish. Their unique role is to raise awareness of gender equality and human rights, and inspire fervent action to achieve equality. This is a challenge faced by all women who strive for a better society and nation without prejudice or discord.

On Thursday, 18 July 2024, we had a momentous kick-off for the women’s ministry, a significant event that filled us with hope and excitement, followed by a fellowship in St. Giles’ Room. Sixteen participants, including two FMM Sisters, came together to learn, share and connect. This event marked the official beginning of the Women’s Ministry and set the tone for future activities. Prior to this, they met informally to chat and generate ideas on setting up this ministry in the Parish. Their dialogues helped them shape their goals for the ministry. They shared the news in the Church bulletin, inviting more women from the Parish to be part of this ministry. After subsequent discussions, Ms. Georgina kindly took the lead as coordinator.

We are delighted by the enthusiasm, commitment and generosity in initiating this ministry. The desire to empower women to pursue equality and human rights significantly contributes to our Church’s mission. This is not just another ministry, but a crucial step towards fostering gender equality and safeguarding human rights.

In our Parish, we deeply appreciate the active participation of women in the Church’s various ministries. Their dedication and hard work in assisting with the Parish’s activities are invaluable. The Parish is truly grateful for their selfless service and commitment, which help strengthen the faith of the community.

We urge all committee members to stay united as a family and, at the same time, welcome newcomers warmly to ensure everyone feels valued and cared for.  It is important for the ministry to strengthen its foundation consistently through prayers and reading the Word of God for spiritual enhancement. Every member should nurture themselves with their faith and spread the love of Christ and compassion to all women within our community. This will guide the ministry in achieving its goals, as we focus on disciple-making and practising servant leadership.

Women encounter various challenges in today’s society. It is in this context that we must support our women’s ministry as they move forward with strength and perseverance, not letting anything hinder them from fulfilling their parish’s mission and making valuable contributions to our community.

We extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to each individual who has collaborated, worked diligently and initiated a new ministry within our Parish with the aim of enhancing the welfare of all women, and we are truly grateful for your dedication and vision!

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