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Saturday 27 July 2024


This year, we celebrate the Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, with the theme, “Do not cast me off in my old age” (cf. Psalms 71:9), which reminds us of the loneliness and isolation many elderly people experience. Pope Francis reassured the elderly that, “God never abandons His children, never.” He described the elderly as “the firm foundation” on which new generations can thrive, helping to build a spiritual legacy (cf. 1 Peter 2:5).

Pope Francis acknowledges the challenges they face and dispels the misconception that older people hinder the progress of the young. He urges us to embrace a compassionate mindset and optimistic outlook, instead of focusing on ourselves. We should support each other and embark on new journeys together, fostering a sense of connection and unity across generations.


Both my paternal and maternal grandfathers passed away when I was a child, but I gained experience and much affection from my grandmothers in my childhood and adolescent years. As an adult, I notice that many young parents rarely allow their children to stay with the grandparents. When children desire to visit their grandparents, parents fear that the latter will spoil them! It is uncommon to see children accompanying their grandparents to church or other recreational activities, as they are ever so often engrossed with their own schedules.


Grandparents and the elderly play a crucial role in shaping a promising future for all. Grandchildren should look up to their grandparents for wisdom, guidance and heartfelt affection. The stories shared by grandparents foster strong familial bonds, faith, tradition and family history. 

In today’s digital age, younger generations have a unique opportunity of imparting their knowledge of information technology (IT) to their grandparents and elderly. Assisting the elderly with interactive experiences such as computers, smartphones, gaming, online shopping and more, helps to keep them motivated, engaged, entertained and up-to-date with current affairs. It not only enriches the lives of the elderly, but also empowers the younger generation with a sense of responsibility and contribution.


As part of our family, it is important to care for our grandparents and the elderly, especially those who may feel lonely, down, weak, or are alone in their old age. We all wish for our ageing parents, grandparents and elderly to experience longevity, good health and a peaceful life. The joy that comes from being surrounded by loving family and friends – happy and content in their golden years – warms our hearts and inspires hope for the future.


This special day is a heartwarming tribute to the invaluable contribution of grandparents and elders in preserving a family legacy and sharing their faith. Our thoughts and prayers go out to forgotten, lonely and isolated grandparents and the elderly. We pray for their inner strength and well-being. May they receive blessings and comfort always, and may Sts Joachim and Anne, pray for them!

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