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Saturday 25 August 2018


For the last five consecutive weeks, our gospel readings have come from Chapter 6 of the Gospel according to St John. We have heard about the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus, the Bread of Life comes down from heaven, and Jesus has the words of eternal life. This lengthy discussion that Jesus described is about the sacrament of the Eucharist, the Holy Communion.

The Roman Catholic beliefs that the substance of bread and wine change completely into the actual Body and Blood of the Christ. The word “Transubstantiation” (transformed forever), which is the proper theological term for this change. We believe in the true and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist which becomes spiritual food and drink for us.

“To Whom shall we go?” (Jn 6:67). To whom can we go in times of such frustration and despair? Do we remain in Jesus or simply walk away? Do we really committed to Jesus, or is our Christianity just a social thing? 

Today, many people no longer follow Jesus. However, we must go to Jesus who is the Way, Truth and Life and the One who has the true answers to life’s eternal questions.

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