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Saturday 28 July 2018

If you put all four of the Gospel accounts together, this is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels. Jesus was concerned about the people’s physical needs, (John 6:1-15).

Jesus cares about our physical needs as well as our spiritual needs. No one ever cares for us like Jesus. If you come to Jesus, He will provide your needs and He will not send you away hungry or empty hands.

The boy simply gave what he had to Jesus – five loaves and two fish. He was not worried about being hungry himself. He knew Jesus would take care of him.

Jesus used what he gave. Jesus took his little sack lunch and blessed it, broke it, then He fed the five thousands. The disciples fed the hungry with little and the little produced more.

Out beyond our doors is a world full of hungry people. Some of them are hungry spiritually. Some of them are hungry physically. Jesus is moved with compassion about their needs. He is looking for people just like us with five loaves and two fish to use them to feed the multitude.

“You open wide Your hand, o Lord, and grant our desires,” (Ps 144).

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